Friday, 13 July 2012

iSkoot for Skype 1.1

iSkoot for Skype 1.1

iSkoot for skype is your solution for Skype on the go — an easy-to-use mobile application with all your favorite Skype features.

- Your complete Skype contact List
- Push-of-a-button Skype calling
- live Skype chat
- SkypeOut
- Update your Status
- Add and Remove contacts

iSkoot offers network service for iSkoot for Skype in over 45 countries worldwide.

Here are some common usage scenarios:

- Making a Skype-toSkype call
When you call a Skype contact on your mobile phone, it costs the same as making a local call so depending on your mobile calling plan, normal airtime charges may apply. Once you’re connected to the Skype network, your call works like a regular voice call from your phone. (iSkoot does NOT connect the call using the cellular data channel.)

- Making a SkypeOut call
When making a SkypeOut call using iSkoot, the same basic costs apply as making a Skype-to-Skype call noted above (which means that normal airtime charges may apply, plus some data to keep contact status information updated). In addition, Skype charges the applicable SkypeOut connection rates to connect the call to a regular telephone line, just as they would if the SkypeOut call originated from your PC.

- Receiving a Skype Call
When you receive an incoming Skype call on your mobile phone, the same basic costs apply as making a Skype-to-Skype call noted above (which means that normal airtime charges may apply, plus some data to keep contact status information updated). In addition, your SkypeOut account will be charged at Skype’s call forwarding rates for mobile numbers.

- Using Skype Text Chat
When you use Skype text chat on your mobile phone, the service uses your data connection to exchange messages with your chat buddies. iSkoot’s data use is fairly small for the moderate user, but even so it as best to contact your service provide to determine the best data plan for your individual needs.
Related Tag: chat communication voip voip call skype

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